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Diskuze: ETF a contango: pořádný tanec s vašimi penězi

1. 3. 2012
 7 047
2 komentáře

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Presne tuhle studii jsem nevidel, ale videl jsem nekolik podobnych. V podstate je to stejne u vseho - pokud existuje trh s derivaty ktery nema "realne" omezeni (napr. ze musit byt schopen primout fyzicke doruceni komodity a bez nej nemuzete obchodovat), derivaty v konecnem dusledku budou vest cenu komodity, specialne smerem nahoru (smerem dolu je to omezeno neb producenti muzou omezist/zastavit tezbu a realna poptavka existuje).

Technicky je kolem toho docela hodne zjimavych veci, progooglujte si napr. "dark oil inventory".

V seto samozrejme vliv na cenu ma - nicmene to je zase na uplne jiny clanek.

Clanek jsem psal spise abych upozornil male investory na contango jako neviditelnou, a docela vysokou, "dan", kterou plati (pokud je dana komodita v contangu, pokud je v backwardation tak to muze byt naopak bonus) pri koupi komoditnich ETF aniz by o tom vedeli. Neboli ze investovani do komodity porad neni trivialni.

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A související:
"I have discovered a completely new business within the oil branch. Owning large oil storage capacity has become a profitable activity. Normally, the oil market operates so that one can buy and sell oil on a daily basis and be certain that, nevertheless, at the end of the day one does not own any oil. In this way oil is sold around nine times before it is finally used. Alternatively, one can actually buy oil at an attractive price and store it to sell later at a higher price. An oil tanker carries around 2,000,000 barrels so playing this game requires a lot of cash but it can also lead to enormous profits. One of the players that I spoke to had storage capacity of this order and told me that, at the moment, their storage held oil bought at $86 per barrel that could be sold at a profit of over $25 per barrel, i.e. a total profit of $50 million."

