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Diskuze: Nabíjení elektromobilů drahé není, brzy bude snazší než tankování, říká Dobeš

4. 10. 2022
 17 622
4 komentáře

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Nejoblíbenější příspěvek

Ahhhh.. .Another one who forgets that the electricity in the car's batteries must have been first generated somewhere else, and forgets to include the efficiency of the powerplants into the calculations...

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Nejméně oblíbený příspěvek

Almost 76% on this forum imagine they will drive their IC vehicles forever apparently. Quite an amazing job to have such imagination. The future is already here people, better join the party. Fyi, I am not a fan of Elon. Just imagine driving a car with 80-90% efficiency vs 25-40% now.



Ahhhh.. .Another one who forgets that the electricity in the car's batteries must have been first generated somewhere else, and forgets to include the efficiency of the powerplants into the calculations...

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Almost 76% on this forum imagine they will drive their IC vehicles forever apparently. Quite an amazing job to have such imagination. The future is already here people, better join the party. Fyi, I am not a fan of Elon. Just imagine driving a car with 80-90% efficiency vs 25-40% now.



Tohle všechno je pravda a doma už oboje máme. Nejsem se ale jistý, zda je to reálná cesta pro všechny.



Tohle všechno je pravda a obojí už doma máme. Nejsem si ale jistý, že je to reálná cesta pro všechny.

